Know how to cancel an antivirus subscription

Auto-Renewal automatically renews your McAfee product subscription until it expires. This activity makes certain your protection is not disrupted. McAfee strongly recommends that you maintain Auto-Renewal turned on so you are never without security. You're able to log in to My Account on and alter your Auto-Renewal preferences at any moment. Additional Advantages of Auto-Renewal If Auto-Renewal is empowered, your McAfee product subscription never expires. So, your defense is not disrupted. You also enjoy the following advantages when Auto-Renewal is switched on: McAfee Virtual Private Network (VPN) - The McAfee VPN is constructed into LiveSafe and Total Protection. So provided that you've got one of those products with Auto-Renewal empowered, you get McAfee VPN. The VPN supplies bank-grade encryption and personal browsing to secure your online tasks and information from cybercriminals. If Auto-Renewal is switched off, McAfee VPN isn't offered. NOTE: McAfee VPN isn't available in most regions. To Get More Information, visit: TS103018 - How to activate and use McAfee VPN Virus Protection Pledge (VPP) - The VPP offers you the assurance which, in case, a verified device receives a virus, a McAfee specialist will eliminate it. If we can not, we provide a refund. VPP is offered to specific customers based on place. It's contained in their subscription when Auto-Renewal is switched on. If you're among those clients, if Auto-Renewal is switched off, VPP isn't offered. 

